Dr. Tatjana Samostyan

Dr. phil. Tatjana Samostyan
Bereich fremdsprachliche Philologien (FPH)
Responsibilities in the European Studies course:
- Advice on language training and cultural studies
- Module coordinator in the BA European Studies for WPM 1, WPM 2 and WPM 3
- Supervision of the Bachelor and Master theses with a focus on cultural studies and media analysis
- Organization of the compulsory semester abroad
- Conclusion of learning agreements, recognition of achievements abroad
- Acquisition of third-party funding
- Internationalization and academic coordinator of the 32 international partnerships
- Responsible for international cooperation at the FHW
- ERASMUS + Academic Coordinator of the FHW
- Organization of student stays abroad within the framework of Erasmus +, Go East, KA107 Erasmus + partner countries, WORLDWIDE, Eastern partnerships and PROMOS programs
- Contract manager for 32 partner universities
- Project manager at the FHW for the third-party funded program Eastern Partnerships DAAD
- Project manager at the FHW for the third-party funding program Go East DAAD
- Coordination of the entries in the MoveOn portal of the OvGU
- Organization of guest lectures by foreign academics and Erasmus+ Teaching and Staff Mobility
Committee work
- Member of the PROMOS selection committee of the OvGU
- Member of the doctoral committee of the Faculty of Human Sciences
- elected member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Human Sciences
- Elected member of the executive board of Institute III of the Faculty of Human Sciences, representative of the academic mid-level staff
- Member of the staff council of OvGU
- Since 2008: Co-founder & member, 2008-2013 second chairman of the nationwide professional association "Russian and Multilingualism" R & M (Russian and Multilingualism eV).
- Since 2009: Member of the German Dostoyevsky Society.
- Since 2016: Member of the UNIcert® Scientific Commission
Reviewer for UNIcert ® accreditation procedures for university language centers, foreign language philologies and language institutes. Implementation of accreditations and reaccreditations as well as support for universities.
Accreditation and reaccreditation procedures for universities
- 2020: University of Kassel. First reviewer
- 2020: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). First reviewer
- 2021: Justus Liebig University Giessen. Second reviewer
- 2022: University of Greifswald. First reviewer
- 2017: Freiberg University of Mining and Technology. First reviewer
- 2017: East Bavarian Technical University. First reviewer
- 2016: Language Center of the University of Rostock. Second reviewer
Academic and professional career
- Since 2020: Member of the staff council of OvGU
- Since 2019: Member of the PROMOS selection committee of the OvGU
- Since 2018: Member of the doctoral committee of the Faculty of Human Sciences.
- Since 2018: elected member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Human Sciences.
- 2018 - 2019: Member of the Universitäts-AG planning, control and structure as part of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) internationalization audit
- 2016 - 2018: Member of the Commission for Research and International Affairs of the Faculty of Human Sciences.
- Since 2016: elected member of the executive board of Institute III of the Faculty of Human Sciences, representative of the academic mid-level staff.
- 2008 - 2016: elected member of the board of directors of the Institute for Foreign Language Philologies, representative of the mid-level academic staff.
- Since 2009: Member of the examination board for the award of the doctoral degree (Tribunal para juzgar la Tesis Doctoral), University of Granada, Facultad de Filosofía i Letras.
- Since 2008: Member of the coordination team for the interdisciplinary BA&MA European Studies program, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.
- Since April 2007: Russian and Cultural Studies Eastern Europe , Slavic Studies / European Studies, Institute for Foreign Language Philologies, Faculty of Human Sciences at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.
- 2006 - 2007: Postdoctoral Researcher, Literature and Cultural Studies in the field of English Studies, Institute for Foreign Language Philologies, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.
- 2005 - 2006: Scientific scholarship holder of the Otto Benecke Foundation in Bonn, Cologne, Königswinter, Germany.
- 2000 - 2003: Visiting Professor for English Literature and Mass Communication, Chair for Media and Mass Communication and Chair for English Studies at The Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine", Lutsk, Ukraine.
- 2000 - 2003: University lecturer (according to Ukrainian university law) for literature and cultural studies as well as mass communication, chair for journalism, media and mass communication at the " Lutsk University of Humanities", Lutsk, Ukraine.
- 1999 - 2000: Research assistant for literary and cultural studies, chair for Ukrainian and foreign language philologies at the "Lutsk University of Humanities", Lutsk, Ukraine.
- 1995 - 1999: Research Associate / PhD student
- Dissertation in Russian literature and cultural studies on the topic: "The Artistic-Aesthetic Positions and Philosophy of life in the Creative Work of Konstantin Paustovski "
- Doctorate at the T. Ševčenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2000
- 1994 - 1995: Teacher for English language and literature, District Evening School, Lutsk, Ukraine.
- 2007 - 2008: Postgraduate studies “Russian as a Foreign Language, Methodology and Didactics”, State Pushkin Institute for Russian Language, Moscow, Russia.
- 1990 - 1995: Studies in Russian, English, pedagogy and psychology at the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University, Lutsk, Ukraine (currently Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University).
- Diploma thesis: "Typology of the European romantic novels and narratives of the first third of the 19th century: Using the example of German, English and Russian literature".
- Diploma with distinction: teacher of Russian and English languages and literature. Recognition of teaching qualifications in Germany (Ministry of Education, Saxony-Anhalt).
Samostyan, Tetyana
Chudožn'o-estetyčni pozyciї ta filosofija žyttja u tvorčosti K. Paustovs'kogo. [The Artistic-Aesthetic Positions and Philosophy of Life in the Creative Work of Konstantin Paustovsky:
dys. kand. filol. nauk: 10.01.02 / Volyns'kyj derž. un-t im. Lesi Ukraїnky. Luc'k, 1999.
Samostyan, Tetyana
Chudožn'o-estetyčni pozyciї ta filosofija žyttja u tvorčosti K. Paustovs'kogo. [The Artistic-Aesthetic Positions and Philosophy of Life in the Creative Work of Konstantin Paustovsky]:
avtoref. dys. kand. filol. nauk: 10.01.02 / Nacional'na akademija nauk Ukraїny, Instytut literatury im. T.G. Ševčenka. Kyїv, 2000.
Articles in peer-reviewed edited volumes and scientific journals
Samostyan, Tatjana
Creating the Image of a Political Leader between Center and Periphery: A Case Study of a Volyn Oligarch (in preparation for “Economic History Yearbook”, Bochum)
Samostyan, Tatjana
Cultural Stereotypes as a Tool of Information Warfare in Russian-Ukrainian Crisis: Internet Memes and Political Cartoons in Participatory Social Networks and Ukrainian Mass Media. (under review, Lodz).
Samostyan, Tatjana
Mifologizacija kul’turnoj pamjati: Tvorčestvo i biografija pisatelja v kollektivnom vospominanii. [Myth in cultural memory: the biography and work of a writer in the collective memory]. (in press, Moskau)
Samostyan, Tatjana
Genij i provincija: Marina Cvetaeva v «Tarusskih stranicah». [The genius and the province: Maria Tsvetaeva in the literary almanac "Tarusskih stranitsah"]. (in press, Budapest)
Samostyan, Tatjana
Sozdanie „Tarusskih stranic“: cenzura, pisatel’, pamjat’. [The origin of the almanac "Tarusskih stranitsah": Censorship, author, memory].
In: Russkoe slovo v mnogojazyčnom mire: Materialy XIV Kongressa MAPRJaL (g. Nur-Sultan, Kazahstan, 29 aprelja – 3 maja 2019 goda) / Red. kol.: N.A. Boženkova, S. V. Vjatkina, N.I. Klušina i dr. – SPb.: MAPRJaL, 2019. – S. 1933-1939.
Samostyan, Tatjana
Ponimanie vremeni v russkoj i nemeckoj kul'turach v kontekste mežkul'turnoj kommunikacii. [The concept of time in German and Russian culture: Analyzing time in intercultural communication].
In: Na styke kultur Evropa-Rossija-Azija: ėtnos, jazyk, kommunikacija: Sbornik materialov meždunarodnoj naučno-praktičeskoj konferenzii. Ulan-Udė: izd-vo BGSH im. V.R. Filippova, 2016. S. 35-44.
Samostyan, Tatjana
Formirovanie praktičeski-orientirovannoj mežkulturoj kommunikativnoj kompetencii. [Developing practice-oriented intercultural communicative competence].
In: Russkij jazyk i literatura v prostranstve mirovoj kul'tury: Materialy XIII Kongressa MAPRJaL (g. Granada, Ispanija, 13-20 sentjabrja 2015 goda)/ Red. kol.: L.А. Verbickaja, К. А. Rogova, Т.I. Popova i dr. V 15 t. Т. 9. Sankt-Peterburg: MAPRJaL, 2015. S. 181-187 [Beitrag auf CD-ROM].
Samostyan, Tatjana
Linguistic paradigm of advertizing messages.
In: Aktual'ni problemy sučasnoï osvity ta nauky v konteksti jevrointegrazijnogo postupu: materialy dop. učasn. Mižnar. naukovo-prakt. konf. (Luc'k, 2-3 kvit. 2015 r.) / uporjad. Т. Žalko, О. Кušpetjuk, N. Коnono, Luc'k, LIRoL universytetu “Ukraїnа“, 2015. S. 79-81.
Samostyan, Tatjana
Teorija i praktika mežkul'turnoj kommunikacii v kontekste evropejskoj politiki internacionalizacii vysšego obrazovanija. [Theory and practice of intercultural communication in the context of Europe'siInternationalization policy within higher education].
In: 6th International Conference “The Russian Language in the Linguistic and Cultural Space of Europe and the World: Human being, Consciousness, Communication, Internet” / 22–25 of May 2014, Leuven, Belgium. - Leuven, Belgium, Departament of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies of the University of Leuven, Instytut Rusycystyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2014. S. 1526-1540.
Samostyan, Tatjana
Začem nužen eščё odin sertifikat? Mežvuzovskaja sistema akkreditacii i sertifikacii znanij inostrannych jazykov UNIcert® v vysšem obrazovanii Germanii. [Why do you need another certificate? University-specific accreditation and certification system for foreign language skills UNIcert® at German colleges and universities].
In: Obučenie, testirovanie i ocenka: Materialy XIV Meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferenzii. Nižni Novgorod, FGBOU VPO „NGLU“, 2014. S. 17-32.
Samostyan, Tatjana
„Inženery dušy“: Prošloe i segodnjašnee Rosii skvoz' prizmu biografii i proizvedenij Konstantina Paustovskogo. [“Engineers of the soul”: Russia's past and present in the biography and works of Konstantin Paustovsky].
In: Literaturnoe nasledie K.G. Paustovskogo i mirovaja kul'tura. Materialy meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferenzii / Departament kultury g. Moskvy „Moskovskij literaturnyj muzej-centr K.G. Paustovskogo“. Podolsk, Sarma, 2013. S. 22-33.
Samostyan, Tatjana
Mežkul'turnaja kommunikacija v kontekste povsednevnosti: "Russkoe" v diskurse regional'nych SMI i kul'tury povsednevnosti sovremennogo nemeckogo goroda. [Intercultural communication in everyday life: "Russian" in the discourse of regional media and in the public space of a modern German city].
In: Człowiek. Świadomość. Komunikacja. Internet. Redakcja naukowa Ludmiła Szypielewicz. Warszawa, Instytut Rusycystyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2012. S. 1181-1190.
Samostyan, Tatjana
Chudožestvennoe voploščenie izmerenij kultury v tekstach russkoj literatury: čuvstvo „ja“ - čuvstvo „my“ - sobornost'. [The artistic embodiment of cultural dimensions of individualism and collectivism in Russian literature: I- we- sobornost'].
In: \"La lengua y literatura rusas en el espacio educativo international: estado actual y perspectivas"\; Tomo II: Ponencias y comunicaciones. Kongress: II Congreso Internacional. La lengua y literatura rusas en el espacio educativo international (Granada, 8-10 de septiembre 2010). Granada: Univ., 2010. S. 1861-1867.
Samostyan, Tatjana
Psicholingvističeskie i kul'turologičeskie osobennosti prepodavanija RKI dlja nemeckich studentov. [Psycholinguistic and cultural peculiarities in foreign language teaching of Russian for German students].
In: Nauczanie języka rosyjskiego studentów na kierunkach filologicznych i niefilologicznych. Red. L. Szypielewicz, Warszawa-Lublin 2009, Zakład Graficzny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2009. S. 391-399.
Samostyan, Tetyana
Obraz snigu v poetyci O. Puškina, Z. Gippius, B. Pasternaka ta K. Paustovs'kogo. [The image of snow in the poetics of Pushkin, Gippius, Pasternak and Paustovsky].
In: Oleksandr Puškin ta Ukraїnа: Materialy mižnarodnoї konferenziї prysv"jačenoї 200-riččju vid dnja narodžennja vydatnogo rosijs'kogo poeta. Drogobyč: Vymir, 1999. S.35-45.
Samostyan, Tetyana
Etnotradycijni mifologemy v chudožn'omu sviti K. Paustovs'kogo. [Ethno-traditional myths / mythologems in the works of K. Paustovsky].
In: Naukovyj visnyk Volyns'kogo deržavnogo universytetu im. Lesi Ukraїnky: Filologični nauky. №9. Luc'k: "Veža", 2001. S. 280-288.
Samostyan, Tetyana
Estetyčna sytuazija katarsysu v strukturi chudožn'ogo svitu K. Paustovs'kogo. [Catharsis as an aesthetic situation in the design system of the literary works of K. Paustovsky].
In: Filologični studiї: Naukovyj časopys. №1. Luc'k, 1999. S.71-79.
Samostyan, Tetyana
Povist' K. Paustovs'kogo "Taras Ševčenko" v strukturi chudožn'ogo svitu mytcja. [K. Paustovsky's novella “Taras Shevchenko” in the structure of the writer's art world].
In: Naukovyj visnyk VDU (Volyns'kogo deržavnogo universytetu): Filologični nauky. Luc'k, 1999. S. 140-147.
Samostyan, Tetyana
Tvorčist' K. Paustovs'kogo ta rosijs'ka filosofs'ka tradycija. [K. Paustovsky's works in the context of Russian philosophy].
In: Molodižnyj naukovyj visnyk: Filologični nauky: Slov"jans'ka filologija. Vyp. 1. Luc'k, 1998. S. 44-51.
Samostyan, Tetyana
Tema pryrody u K. Paustovs'kogo ta jogo estetyčni pogljady. [Nature as a theme in K. Paustovsky's works and his aesthetic views].
In: Naukovi zapysky aspirantiv: Zb. nauk. prac'. Vyp. 1. Luc'k, 1997. S. 70-78.
Samostyan, Tetyana
Obraz О. Grina v povisti K. Paustovs'kogo "Černoe more". [The character of O. Grin in K. Paustovsky's novel "Black Sea" ("Chernoe More"].
In: Naukovyj visnyk VDU (Volyns'kogo deržavnogo universytetu): Filologični nauky: Slov"janska filologija. Luc'k, 1997. S. 130-141.
Samostyan, Tetyana
Elementy ukraїns'koї kul'tury v strukturi chudožn'ogo svitu K. Paustovs'kogo. [Elements of Ukrainian culture in the compositional structure of the literary works of K. Paustovsky].
In: Naukovyj visnyk VDU (Volyns'kogo deržavnogo universytetu): Literaturoznavstvo. Movoznavstvo. Fol'klorystyka. Vyp. I. Luc'k, 1996. S.201-208.
Samostyan, Tetyana
Romantyzm rannich tvoriv K. Paustovs'kogo. [Romanticism in the early works of K. Paustovsky].
In: Materialy XLII naukovoї konferenziї professors'ko-vykladac'kogo skladu i studentiv Volyns'kogo deržavnogo universytetu im. Lesi Ukraїnky. Luc'k: Vydavnyctvo VDU, 1996.
Samostyan, Tetyana and Oljander, Luisa
Chudožni osoblyvosti tvoru V. Odojevskogo "Poslednij kvartet Betchovena". [Motifs and symbols in V. Odoyevsky's novella "Beethoven's Last Quartet“].
In: Tezy dopovidej. Materialy XLI naukovoї konferenziї professors'ko-vykladac'kogo skladu i studentiv Volyns'kogo deržavnogo universytetu im. Lesi Ukraїnky. Č. 1. Luc'k: Vydavnyctvo VDU "Veža",1994.
- Intercultural Communication
- Cultural Studies of Eastern Europe
- Communication cultures: media analysis, mass communication, discourses in journalism
- Cultures of remembrance, politics of history and cultural memory
- Religion, culture and politics in Eastern Europe
- Urban discourse analysis, transformations in Eastern Europe in space and time
- Participatory culture
- Visual culture
- Transformation processes in Eastern European cultures
- Foreign language didactics
- Languages of origin (heritage language)
Lectures, workshops and participation as a scientific expert in public discussions (selection)
- Lecture „Digital and Blended Learning: Design Effective Educational Content and Test Methods”. International Zoom-Conference. Russia, Kazan, Institute of International Relations at Kazan Federal University, 16.05.2020.
- Lecture „Elbe – Neva Brücke. Best Practice Beispiel: Go East Hochschulkooperation“ [The Elbe-Neva Bridge. Best Practice Example: Go East University Cooperation]. Bonn, 03.12.2019. Lecturer and panelist at the DAAD Project Leader Conference round table in Bonn.
- Lectures “Intercultural Competence in Business Context”, “Intercultural Competence & Cultural Diversity Management”, “Intercultural – Cultural – Stereotypes”, “Socio-Psychological Triangle: Intercultural Interaction”. Ukraine, Kyiv, 15.-23.11.2019. As part of the lecturer mobility to the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" (Ukraine).
- Guest Lectures “Easter in Russia: Politaiment and Russian Orthodox Church Tradition”, “The Orthodox Easter Symbols in Russian Literature and Painting”, “The Reflection of Cultural Dimensions of Individualism and Collectivism in Russian literature: I- We- Sobornost”. Granada, 04-13.05.2019. As part of the ERASMUS + Teaching Mobility to the University of Granada.
- Lecture “Street art as a Modern Political Statement: Murals in Kyiv”. Lisbon, 12.04.2019. Conference "The Street and the City – Encounters" at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon.
- Guest Lectures “Functions of Social Stereotyping”, “Intercultural Teams: German Problem Solving”, “German Culture Standards”, “Time Planning and “Low context”: the German Style of Communication”. Odessa, 17.-23.09.2018. Odessa State Economic University. Head of the Summer school (OvGU project).
- Lecture Series (8 SWS) „Interkulturelle Kompetenz entwickeln: Religion und Integration“ [Developing Intercultural Competence: Religion and Integration]. Russia, Kazan, Institute of International Relations at Kazan Federal University, 05.08.2018. Head of the summer school in Kazan and Bolgar, Russian Federation "Islam in Russia and in Europe: Migration and Intercultural Communication" (02.-18.08.2018).
- Lecture ""Bilder sprechen keine Sprache und doch „sprechen“ sie! Karikaturen und Internet Memes als interkulturelle Phänomene" [Pictures speak no language and yet they 'speak'! Caricatures and Internet memes as intercultural phenomena] and management of the working group. Greifswald, 23.-25.03.2018, conference "Slawische Sprachen unterrichten: sprachübergreifend, grenzüberschreitend, interkulturell" at the University of Greifswald.
- Guest Lectures and Workshops (14 SWS) “Intercultural Training: Focus Germany”, “Cultural Stereotypes as a Tool of Information Warfare in Russian-Ukrainian Crisis”, “Organisation of a successful mandatory semester/year abroad within the study program Bachelor European Studies”. Granada, 05.-13.05.2018. Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, University of Granada.
- Lectures (6 SWS) „Erinnerungskultur und Visuelle Medien in Russisch-Ukrainischen Konflikt: Gender, Feinde und Freunde“ [The Culture of Remembrance and Visual Media in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict: Gender, Enemies and Friends]. Russia, Saint Petersburg, 27.10.-04.11.2018. Faculty of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University.
- Working Group Management and Lecture AG 5: "Slawische Sprachen: Hochschulspezifische Aufgaben für Unterricht und Prüfung" [Slavic Languages: University-Specific Tasks for Lessons and Examinations]. Dresden, 10.-11. November 2017. Conference „18. UNIcert®-Workshop an der TU Dresden. Prüfen als Teil der hochschulspezifischen Fremdsprachenausbildung“ [18. UNIcert® workshop at the TU Dresden. Testing as part of university-specific foreign language training].
- Lecture „Internationalisation at Home and Abroad: Mobility Quality Assurance Tools“. Thessaloniki, 18.10.2016. As part of the ERASMUS+ Mobility for the 6th Staff Training Week at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- Guest Lecture „Russland-Europa: Internationale Kommunikation in einer multikulturellen Welt" [Russia-Europe: International Communication in a Multicultural World]. Russia, Kazan, Federal University of Kazan, 05.09.2017.
- Lecture „Medienimage eines Politikers zwischen Zentrum und Peripherie: Fallbeispiel eines wolynischen Großunternehmers (Oligarchen)“ [The media image of a politician between the center and the periphery: case study of a large Volyn entrepreneur (oligarch)]. Essen, 06.-08.07.2017. International Scientific Conference "Friends or Foes of Transformation? Economic Elites in Ukraine from a Historical and Comparative Perspective" at the Institute for Cultural Studies (KWI) Essen.
- Lecture “Russian as a Heritage Language in German Educational System”. Helsinki, Finland, 07.06.17-09.06.17. Internationale Conference "Russian Grammar: Describing, Teaching, Testing" at the University of Helsinki.
- Plenary Lecture „Das Schaffen und Biographie eines Schriftstellers im kollektiven Gedächtnis: Mythos und Erinnerungsorte“ [The work and biography of a writer in collective memory: Myth and places of remembrance] and section leadership. Russia, Moscow and Tarusa, 29-31.05.2017. International scientific conference "Literary legacy of Konstantin Paustovsky in the 21st century: Problems of interpretation" at the Institute of Literature of the Russian Academy of Science.
- Guest Lecture „Erinnerungskultur und Geschichtspolitik in visuellen Medien“ [Culture of Remembrance and Politics of History in Visual Media]. Russia, Moscow, 02.05.2017. Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Moscow Financial University.
- Working Group Management and Lecture AG 5:"Slavische Sprachen: Schriftliche Kompetenz handlungsorientiert Prüfen" [Slavic languages: testing written competence in an action-oriented manner]. Münster, 18.-19.11.2016. Conference „17. UNIcert®-Workshop an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Prüfen als Teil der hochschulspezifischen Fremdsprachenausbildung“ [17. UNIcert® workshop at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster. Testing as part of university-specific foreign language training].
- Lecture “Cultural Stereotypes as a Tool of Information Warfare in Russian-Ukrainian Crisis: Internet Memes and Political Cartoons in Participatory Social Networks and Ukrainian Mass Media”. Poland, Lodz, 14.07.2016. The 15th conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI).
- Panelist/Scientific Expert, panel discussion as part of Europe Week 2016 on the topic "Unterschiedliche Sichtweisen zum Ukraine-Konflikt" [Different perspectives on the Ukraine conflict]. Magdeburg, 9.05.2016.
- Panelist/Scientific Expert, panel discussion as part of the theater festival "Wilder Osten. Ereignis Ukraine". Magdeburg, 22.05.2016. Organisation: Magdeburg Theater, Schauspielhaus. Funded by: Auswertiges Amt, Kloster Bergesche Foundation.
- Working Group Management and Lecture AG "Slavische Sprachen" [Slavic Languages]. Leipzig, 13.-14.11.2015. Conference „16. UNIcert®-Workshop. Hochschule, Sprachen und Beruf: Wie machen wir unsere Studierenden fit für das Arbeitsleben?“ [16. UNIcert® workshop. University, languages and jobs: How do we make our students fit for working life?].
- Moderator and Panelist. Discussion on the topic "Ukraine 2014: Akteurin oder Spielball im Kontext vielfältiger Interessen? Hintergründe und Erfahrungen aus der Sicht von unten" [Ukraine 2014: Actor or pawn in the context of diverse interests? Backgrounds and experiences from below]. Magdeburg, 5.05.2015. As part of Europe Week 2010. Organisation: Harmonia e.V – International Center for Culture, Education, and Social Affairs in Saxony-Anhalt. Funded by the State Center for Political Education Saxony-Anhalt.
- Opening Lecture and Moderator: „UNESCO Weltkulturerbe in der Ukraine. Höhepunkte der Ukrainischen Kultur“ [UNESCO World Heritage in Ukraine. Highlights of Ukrainian Culture]. Magdeburg, 1.10.2011. As part of Intercultural Week 2011 in Magdeburg and the 3rd Sachsen-Anhalt Culture Forum „Kultur als Brücke“ [Culture as a Bridge]. Organisation: Harmonia e.V-International Center for Culture, Education, and Social Affairs in Saxony-Anhalt.
- Panelist, panel discussion with the Ambassador of Ukraine, Natalia Zarudna. „Das zweitgrößte Land Europas. Die Ukraine. Europäische Perspektiven. Städtepartnerschaft zwischen Magdeburg und Zaporoshje“ [The second largest country in Europe. Ukraine. European perspectives. City partnership between Magdeburg and Zaporozhe]. Magdeburg, 6.05.2010. As part of Europe Week 2010. Organisation: the German-Ukrainian Forum and Harmonia e.V – International Center for Culture, Education, and Social Affairs in Saxony-Anhalt.
- Opening Lecture, Moderator, Organizer: Workshop and panel on the topic „Ukraine-Russland: Zwei Länder, zwei Welten?“ [Ukraine-Russia: Two countries, two worlds?]. Magdeburg, 7.05.2009. As part of Europe Week 200p. Organisation: the German-Ukrainian Forum and Harmonia e.V – International Center for Culture, Education, and Social Affairs in Saxony-Anhalt.
- Working Group Management and Lecture. AG 3: Zum Einsatz diskontinuierlicher Texte auf der gymnasialen Oberstufe [On the use of discontinuous texts in the upper school level]. Together with Dr. Christine Heyer. Hamburg 30- 31.03.2012. Conference: Mehrsprachig mehr Russisch sprechen. Zur Entwicklung mündlicher kommunikativer Kompetenzen [Speak more Russian. Multilingualism to develop oral communication skills]. Organized jointly by the Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Hamburg, the specialist association "Russian & Multilingualism" and the Hamburg Russian Teacher e.V
Dr. Tetyana Samostyan is the contract manager for international Cooperation.
The partnerships were primarily concluded on behlaf of BA and MA European Studies.
You can find more information at internationale Partneruniversitäten.
Partner University |
End Date (academic year) |
1. |
Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) |
2020/21 |
2. |
Université de Poitiers |
2020/21 |
3. |
Université val de Marne |
2020/21 |
4. |
Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia |
2020/21 |
5. |
Università degli Studi Roma Tre |
2020/21 |
6. |
Università degli studi Internazionali di Roma |
2020/21 |
7. |
Università degli Studi de Padova |
2020/21 |
8. |
Uniwersytet Warszawski |
2020/21 |
9. |
Uniwersytet Wroclawski |
2020/21 |
10. |
Uniwersytet Lódzki |
2020/21 |
11. |
Uniwersytet Jagielloñski |
2020/21 |
12. |
Universidade do Porto |
2020/21 |
13. |
Universitatea 'Babes-Bolyai' din Cluj-Napoca |
2020/21 |
14. |
Karlstads Universitet |
2020/21 |
15. |
Universidad de Murcia |
2020/21 |
16. |
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos |
2020/21 |
17. |
Universidad de Granada |
2020/21 |
18. |
Universidad de Málaga |
2020/21 |
19. |
Masarykova Univerzita v Brne |
2020/21 |
20. |
Univerzita Karlova v Praze |
2020/21 |
21. |
Metropolitní Univerzita Praha |
2020/21 |
22. |
Bilkent Üniversitesi |
2020/21 |
23. |
Miskolci Egyetem |
2020/21 |
24. |
The University of Nottingham (Languages) |
2019/20 (together with Breunig) |
25. |
The University of Nottingham (Wirtschaft) |
2020/21 |
26. |
University of Lissabon |
2020/21 |
27. |
Kazan Federal University (KFU) |
2022 |
28. |
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod |
2022 |
29. |
Saint Petersburg State University |
2021 |
30. |
National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" |
2022 |
31. |
Odessa National Economic University |
2022 (together with FWW) |
32. |
Yerevan State University |
2021 |
- Intercultural Communication, Mobility and Internationalization in EU Education Policy ( Link zur LV im LSF )
- Russian Information Warfare: Historical Myths, Images and Metanarratives ( Link zur LV im LSF )
- Russisch als Herkunftssprache: Phraseologie, Grammatik und Lexik (920616) - Prüfungskurs ( Link zur LV im LSF )