Coordination and Management2

Activities under the scope of Coordination and Management pertain to the overarching goal of assuring the effectivity and impact of IMUDE.



Team-building and progressional exchange activities occur contiguous to all IMUDEs activities. These aim at a close connection between the different tasks, mutual feedback and learning, as well as reviewing past achievements and drafting future agendas on an annual basis.

To guarantee a progressional monitoring and results-focused team work, paired with a detailed communication of IMUDEs activities, meetings are regularly documented and reports are drafted annually. 

Under the scope of Coordination and Management, information on IMUDEs activities is spread through a Communication and Dissemination Infrastructure, built upon the EUS previous communication channels and updated regularly. This website and the chair's social media presence are the focal points of this set of activities.

As for the last point under this scope, an Internationalisation Strategy and Action Plan builds upon the chair's already established internationalisation. The core goals of this strategy translate into efforts towards a further internationalisation in teaching, research and knowledge transfer, as well as coordinated actions boosting the quality and quantity of studentry and staff mobility, focusing on both at-home-internationalisation and internationalisation abroad.

Last Modification: 13.04.2023 - Contact Person: