Lecture with Borbála Göncz: When the EU is appealing to the disadvantageed: how utilitarinism and identity shape attitudes towards a social Europe

When the EU is appealing to the disadvantaged: how utilitarianism and identy shape attitudes towards a social Europe: Lecture with Borbála Göncz, PhD (Corvinus University).

Going beyond the widely researched topic of public support towards the European integration process the lecture examines the potential public support for a social Europe. While recent studies approach European solidarity from the perspective of the welfare state and welfare attitudes, this lecture links it to support for the EU and the concept of identity. It is argued that general support for the European integration process and support for a social Europe are different phenomena. Borbála Göncz is a Research Fellow at the Corvinus University of Budapest. Her research interests include attitudes towards the EU, European identity, citizens' participation and migration.

Chair: Dr. Lars Vogel and Profl Rebecca Pates, PhD

29.06.2021 | 11.15 - 12:45 | Zoom: https://uni-leipzig.zoom.un/j/62959021942?pwd=WitFUDJkZFJ0eXVBRzhEQWIGS3N1dz09


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