European Studies Reality Check - 30. September - 1. October

Understand and shape Europe! - The first European Studies Reality Check connects you with the European policymakers from 30 September till 1 October 2021. Either on-site in Magdeburg or digitally form your home you will meet representatives of various institutions in order to exchange and get a first-hand insight into European policymaking in action. How does European policymaking work and what challenges have to be overcome? How does Saxony-Anhalt, a federal state at the heart of Europe, influence politics in Brussels? The Master European Studies trains you to answer these questions and become a policymaker yourself; get to know us and your opportunities at the OVGU in the European Studies Reality Check.

During the two-day event, experts in European policymaking will introduce themselves and provide in-depth insights to policymaking in action. During the event you will exchange ideas with other students, cooperate as a team and you will talk directly to people who shape European politics. You thus get a first-hand overview about the objectives of the Master European Studies and what it qualifies you for.

The Reality Check event is open for Bachelor students who are interested in European policymaking, either to deepen their prior knowledge or to expand on a Bachelor degree in social, cultural or economic sciences. You can participate either on-site in Magdeburg or digitally from home. Those present in Magdeburg will visit the regional government and will meet experts active in EU policymaking – plus you get a chance to gain a first-hand impression of your possible future university and the city of Magdeburg. Digital participants will follow the same programme but meet experts in Brussels. Exclusive on-demand content connects you from home with our experts, students of the Master European studies and other interested students from all over the world. Registration is possible until 10 September 2021.

Our event is supported by the State Chancellery and Ministry of Culture of Saxony-Anhalt and the Representation of Saxony-Anhalt to the European Union in Brussels. The Chair in Multilevel Governance in Europe has the academic lead together with the whole European Studies Team.

Letzte Änderung: 10.08.2021 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster