Debates, Exchanges & Networks

Activities in the scope of Debates, Exchanges & Networks pertain to the overarching goal of enacting IMUDE. 

Intending to bring together academia, policymakers and the wider public, the IMUDE Team organises the Europaforum im Palais

Previously, the chair in Multilevel Governance in Europe has frequently organised panel discussions on EU Affairs together with the Staatskanzlei of Sachsen-Anhalt. The events usually take place in the representative building of the regional government, joining policymakers, academics and the public. Having the same format in mind, the Europaforum im Palais is to be held anually, aimed at all citizens interested in EU Politics.

The topic this year was the 30th anniversary of the European Ministers Conference (EMC) and the current presidency of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, as well as the publication of a study on the EMC, created by a collaboration of the Jean Monnet Chair and the Hamburg-Vigoni Forums. Rainer Robra (EMF Chair and Minister of European Affairs of Saxony-Anhalt), Dr. Anton Hofreiter (Member of the Bundestag and Head of the Committee on European Union Affairs in the Bundestag), Dr. Johanna Schnabel (Research Fellow at the Otto Suhr Institute of the Free University of Berlin) and Maik Reichel (Director of the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung in Saxony-Anhalt) were invited to participate in the panel discussion. Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder moderated the discussion on the potentials of shaping European policy in the Land.


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