Frequently Asked Questions

Study Programme

How is the academic year structured?

When can I start my degree?

Can I transfer from another university to OVGU?

Are there recommendations for structuring my studies?

Are there application fees?

Are there tuition fees?

Where can I find information about the courses and the structure of the programmes?

Can I spend one (or more) semesters abroad?

Can I do an internship?

Which languag courses can I take in the Bachelor's programme? Does it cost anything?

When do I have to decide on a specialisation in the Master’s programme?


Application details

What is the minimum grade to apply with (BA and MA)?

Do I need to submit certified copies of my documents?

What tests can I use to prove my language knowledge? What scores do I need?

Is it possible to study the Master's programme with additional courses if I lack CP in certain areas?


Organisational matters

There is the LSF, e-learning and myOVGU portal. Which one do I use for what?


Study Programme

How is the academic year structured?

The winter semester runs from October to January with a break in courses from February to March. The winter semester runs from April to July with a break from August to September. Every year’s calendar can be slightly different, so please check out the current academic calendar

When can I start my degree?

Students may start a study programme every winter term. See for more info: Bachelor’s programme and Master’s programme.


Can I transfer from another university to OVGU?

Depending on what you have studied previously, it is possible to transfer from another university to us at the beginning of each semester. The decision about possible conditions is made individually. For more information, please contact Lena Merkle for the Bachelor degree or Alba María Kugelmeier López for the Master degree.

Are there recommendations for structuring my studies?

The recommended study plans can be seen in the module handbook of the respective study programme: here for BA and here for MA. To add, these are solely recommendations

Are there application fees?

For those who apply without a qualification from Germany, the application must be sent via uni-assist. Please check their current fees here.

There are no application fees for all other applicants who apply via the OVGU application portal.

Are there tuition fees?

You do not have to pay tuition fees but there is a moderate university fee each semester which includes the semester ticket for public transport. OvGU’s tuition fees can be found here

Where can I find information about the courses and the structure of the programmes?

Information regarding the courses and the structure of the study programme can be found in the module handbooks (see here for  BA and here for MA). Furthermore, you can contact the student advisors: Lena Merkle for the Bachelor’s programme and Alba María Kugelmeier Lópezfor the Master's programme.


Can I spend one (or more) semesters abroad?

In the Bachelor's programme, all students must complete a mandatory semester abroad. It is also possible to voluntarily spend more than one semester abroad after seeking consultation. In the Master's programme, students do not necessarily have to take a semester abroad, but can do so voluntarily after seeking consultation. The person responsible for all questions regarding the semester abroad is Julian Pietzko.

Can I do an internship?

In the Bachelor's programme, all students must complete a compulsory internship. The internship must have a minimum duration of eight weeks. In the Master's programme, students can complete an internship voluntarily after seeking consultation, e.g. during the semester break. You can direct any question concerning an internship to Philipp Kahnert, who is the internship supervisor.

Im Bachelorstudiengang müssen alle Studierenden ein Pflichtpraktikum absolvieren. Das Praktikum muss eine Mindestdauer von acht Wochen haben. Im Masterstudiengang können die Studierenden ein freiwilliges Praktikum absolvieren, z.B. in den Semesterferien. Bei Fragen zum Praktikum können Sie sich an Philipp Kahnert, den Praktikumsbeauftragten, wenden.

Which languages can I take in the Bachelor's programme? Does it cost anything?

Bachelor students can take two language levels free of charge according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) in one language or in two different languages. The choices are: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian. The language levels are divided as follows: A2 (or UNIcert® Basis), B1 (or UNIcert® I), B2 (or UNIcert® II) or C1 (or UNIcert® III). Further information on the language courses is available at the Language Centre of the University.


When do I have to decide on a specialisation in the Master’s programme?

Master's students choose the specialisation before applying for the Master's programme. Applicants chose between: European Social and Economic Policy Analysis (specialising in economics) or European Social and Cultural Policy Analysis (specialising in cultural studies).



Application details

What is the minimum grade to apply with (BA and MA)?

There is no minimum grade for admission to both the Master's and Bachelor's programme.

Do I need to submit certified copies of my documents?

Yes, if you have a foreign degree, see uni-assist:

Yes, for, all university transcripts: Certificate of the general university entrance qualification (e.g. Abiturzeugnis, Highschool-Diploma, Senior Secondary School Diploma).

What tests can I use to prove my language knowledge? What scores do I need?

Bachelor's degree: English language skills at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Tests: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English Language Assessment, Cambridge IGCSE, telc, UNIcert III, Pearson PTE Academic, previous studies completed in English, native language.

Master's degree: Depending on your study track.

European Social and Economic Policy Analysis: English language skills at level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; German recommended.

Tests: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English Language Assessment, Cambridge IGCSE, telc, UNIcert III, Pearson PTE Academic, Previous degree completed in English, or native speaker.

European Social and Cultural Policy Analysis: English language skills at level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; German also required.

German tests: German university entrance or study qualification or through evidence of DSH level 2, TestDaf level 4, ZOP or equivalent.

English tests: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English Language Assessment, Cambridge IGCSE, telc, UNIcert III, Pearson PTE Academic, Previous degree completed in English, or native speaker.

Incoming international exchange students: If you want to study at the OVGU as an exchange student, please check for more information here.

Is it possible to study the Master's programme with additional courses if I lack CP in certain areas?

Yes, if you do not have the required CP for admission, it is possible that you will still be admitted with restrictions. The decision is made individually.

Organisational matters

There is the LSF, e-learning and myOVGU portal. Which one do I use for what?

The LSF portal provides all important information about courses, exams, grades, facilities, people, rooms and buildings. You can also set up your timetable there.

In the e-learning portal you will find your courses with corresponding learning materials.

In the myOVGU portal, you can view and change your contact details as well as your passport photo. It is also possible to print out certificates of enrolment and to re-register for the new semester. In addition, applications for students who are already enrolled at OVGU and changes of degree programme can be made in the myOVGU portal.


Last Modification: 23.05.2024 - Contact Person: