Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Eva G. Heidbreder
Institute II - Department of Political Science
Dr. Eva Heidbreder is professor for Multilevel Governance In Europe at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg. Since 2022, she holds a Jean Monnet Chair, granted by the European Union. Previous positions include a junior professorship at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf where she also completed her Habilitation. She held visiting professorships at the University of Konstanz, the Humboldt University as well as the Free University Berlin. After completing her PhD at the European University Institute in Florence. She held post-doc positions at the Free University and the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. She completed a MA in Modern European Studies at the University of North London, a Magister in European Studies at the University of Osnabrück, as well as a post-graduate diploma in the same field at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna.
CurrentSince April 2017 |
W3 Professorship in Political Science and Governance in the European Multilevel System | Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg (D) |
Academic Experience |
Oct. 2012-Mar 2017 |
W1 Professor of Political Science and European Integration | Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf (D) |
Oct. 2016-Mar 2017 |
Visiting Professor (W3) of European Integration (on leave from HHU) | Freie Universität Berlin, substitute for Prof. Börzel |
April-October 2012 |
Visiting Professor (W3) of Policy and Administration | Universität Konstanz (D), substitute for Prof. W. Seibel |
April-October 2011 |
Visiting Professor (W2) of European Integration | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (D) |
Feb. 2010-Oct. 2012 (beurlaubt SS 2011/12) |
Postdoctoral Researcher | Hertie School of Governance (D) |
Oct. 2009-Feb.2010 |
Research Assistant | Freie Universität Berlin (D) |
Oct. 2008-Okt. 2009 |
Postdoctoral Fellowship | Kolleg-Forschergruppe, Freie Universität Berlin (D) |
Sep. 2006-April 2009 |
Assistant, Giuliano Amato (Action Committee for Europ. Democracy) | Robert-Schuman Centre am EUI, Florenz (IT) |
October 2009 |
Visiting Lecturer (MA-Coursein EU Studies) | Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Grenoble (FR) |
February-March 2008 |
Lecturer (MA-Course in EU Studies) | Universität Osnabrück (D) |
October 2009 |
Visiting Lecturer (MA-Course in EU Studies) | Universiteit Antwerpen (B) |
Education |
2015 |
Habilitation, Venia Legendi for Political Science | Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf (D) |
2004-2008 |
PhD in Political Science | Europäisches Hochschulinstitut, Florenz (IT) |
2002-2004 |
Postgraduate Diploma‚ European Integration | Institut für höhere Studien, Wien (AT) |
1996-2002 |
Magristra Rerum Europae | Universität Osnabrück (D) |
1999-2000 |
Master of Arts in European Studies | University of North London (UK) |
1987-1996 1993-1994 |
Higher Education Qualification Gymnasium Augustinianum, Greven Hoërskool Wesfalia, Klerksdorp (South Africa, Exchange Student) |
Professional Experience |
March-July 2002 |
European Institute of Public Administration | Maastricht (NL) – Scientific Advisor |
February-March 1999 |
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development | Bonn (D) – Maghreb Referat |
August 1998 |
Makarere University, Human Rights and Peace Centre | Kampala (Uganda) – Research Assistant |
February-March 1998 |
Franco-German Cultural Centre | Nantes (FR) – Cultural Management |
Awards |
2016 |
Habilitation Prize of the Friends and Sponsors of the HHU | best Habilitation 2016, Düsseldorf |
2008-2009 |
DFG Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences | Visiting Professor, FU Berlin |
2004-2008 |
DAAD-Study Abroad Scholarship | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) |
2002 |
Carlo-Schmid-Programm | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) |
1996-2002 |
Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes | Scholarship |
Society Memberships |
German Political Science Association | Co-spokesperson for the Integration Working Group |
International Political Science Association | Member of Boards RC 30 (Comparative Public Policy) |
European Group for Public Administration | Member of the Board: Permanent Study Group |
Fellowship |
Hertie School of Governance |
Villa Vigoni |
Member Villa Vigoni | German-Italian Center |
Service |
Foundations |
FWO - Fund Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Third-party funding from the Research Foundation - Flanders |
Academic Foundation of the german people PhD funding |
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship and research funding |
Journals (selection) |
Europe Asia Studies - EAS |
European Political Science Review - ESPR |
International Review of Administrative Science - IRAS |
Governance |
International Review of Administrative Sciences - IRAS |
Journal of European Public Policy - JEPP |
Public Administration - PA |
Policy and Politics - P&P |
Scandinavian Political Studies - SPS |
Languages |
German (Native) |
English (fluent) |
Italian (fluent, Celi5) |
French (very good) |
Afrikaans (basic) |
Dutch (basic) |
31.12.2017 - go to the current Version
Monograph / Monographie
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2011) The Impact of Expansion on EU Institutions: The Eastern Touch on Brussels (New York: Palgrave / Macmillan).
Reviewed in:
West European Politics
Gwiazda, A. (2012) 'The Impact of Expansion on European Union Institutions: The Eastern Touch on Brussels'. West European Politics Vol. 35: 4, S. 941-41.
Public Administration
Haughton, T. (2012) 'Book Review: The Impact of Expansion on European Union Institutions: The Eastern Touch on Brussels'. Public Administration Vol. 90: 3, S. 833-34.
The Slavonic and Eastern European Review
Hanley, S. a. (2012) 'Review: The Impact of Expansion on European Union Institutions: The Eastern Touch on Brussels by Heidbreder, Eva G.'. The Slavonic and East European Review Vol. 90: 4, S. 793-95.
Edited Volumes / Herausgeberschaften
- Von Alemann, Ulrich / Hummel, Hartwig / Heidbreder, Eva G. / Dreyer, Domenica / Gödde, Anne (Hrsg.) (2015) Ein soziales Europa ist möglich: Grundlagen und Handlungsoptionen(Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien).
Journal Articles (double-blind peer reviewed) / Fachzeitschriften mit anonymisiertem Gutachterverfahren
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2017) 'Adrienne Héritier’s Contribution to Public Policy, Institutional Formation, and Multilevel Policy-Making – Or “How to Get it to the People?"'. International Journal for Public Administration.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2017) 'Strategies in Multilevel Policy Implementation: Moving Beyond the Limited Focus on Compliance'. Journal of Europan Public Policy Vol. 24: 9, pp. 1367-84.
- Hartlapp, M. and Heidbreder, E. G. (2017) 'Mending the Hole in Multilevel Implementation: Administrative Cooperation Related to Worker Mobility '. Governance Vol. 00, pp. 1-17.
- Brandsma, G. J., Heidbreder, E. G. and Mastenbroek, E. (2016a) 'Accountability in the Post-Lisbon European Union'. International Review of Administrative Sciences Vol. 82: 4, pp. 621-37.
- Brandsma, G. J., Heidbreder, E. G. and Mastenbroek, E. (2016b) 'Imputabilité dans L'Union européenne post-Lisbonne'. Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives Vol. 82: 4, pp. 657-73.
- Heidbreder, E.G. (2015) 'Multilevel Policy-Enforcement: Innovations in How to Administer Liberalized Global Markets'. Public Administration Vol. 93: 4, S. 940-955.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2015) 'Governance in the European Union: A Policy Analysis of the Attempts to Raise Legitimacy through Civil Society Participation'. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. Vol. 17: 4, S. 359-377.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2014) 'Why Widening Makes Deepening: Unintended Policy Extension Through Polity Expansion'. Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 21: 5, S. 746-60.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2014) 'Kehrtwende in der Koordinierung europäischer Politikumsetzung: Horizontale Kapazitätsbündelung statt vertikaler Kompetenzverlagerung'. Der Moderne Staat Vol. 7: 1, S. 37-54.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2013) 'EU Governance in the Shadow of Contradicting Ideas: The Decoupling of Policy Ideas and Policy Instruments'. European Political Science Review
Vol. 5: 1, S. 133-50. - Heidbreder, E. G. (2012) 'Civil Society Participation in EU Governance'. Living Review on European Governance Vol. 7: 2 (last accessed 12 December 2014) <>.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2011) 'Structuring the European Administrative Space: Policy Instruments of Multi-level Administration'. Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 18: 5, S. 709–26.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2004) 'Minderheitenschutz in der neuen EU: Beitrittskriterien nach dem Beitritt'. Osteuropa Vol. 54: Mai/Juni Die Einigung Europas: Zugkraft und Kraftakt, S. 473-83.
- Heidbreder, E. G. and Hofer, S. D. (2004) 'Neue Impulse für die Politikwissenschaft in Österreich: Erfolgreiche Graduiertenkonferenz bietet Anstoß für weitere Initiativen'. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft Vol. 33: 4, S. 227-32.
- Heidbreder, E. G. and Carrasco, L. (2003) 'Assessing the Assessment: A Review on the Application Criterion Minority Protection by the European Commission'. EIPA Working Paper: 03/W/04. <> (Accessed on: 26 November 2003).
Journal Articles (non peer reviewed) / Fachzeitschriften ohne anonymisiertes Gutachterverfahren
- Heidbreder, E. G., Feller, J. und Frieß, D. (2013) 'Demokratisierung durch Partizipation? Empirische Ergebnisse und neue Fragestellungen zivilgesellschaftlicher Beteiligung jenseits des Staates'. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft: Juli. S. 605-626.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2012) 'When Widening Makes Deepening'. EUSA Review Vol. 25: 2., S. 3.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2009) 'Structuring the European Administrative Space: Channels of EU Penetration and Mechanisms of National Change'. KFG Working Paper: 05.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2003) 'Grundrechte für Europa. Die Europäische Union nach Nizza (Duschanek, Alfred/Stefan Griller, Hg.) - Rezension'. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft Vol. 32: 3, S. 361.
Contributions to edited volumes (peer reviewed) / Sammelbände mit anonymisiertem Gutachterverfahren
- Börzel, T. and Heidbreder, E. G. (2017) 'Enforcement and Compliance'. In: Harlow, C., Leino-Sandberg, P. and della Cananea, G. (eds.) Research Handbook on EU Administrative Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), pp. 241-62.
- Heidbreder, E. G. and Brandsma, G. J. (2017) 'The EU Policy Process'. In: Ongaro, E. and van Thiel, S. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe (London: Palgrave).
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2015) 'Administrative Capacities in the EU: Consequences of Multilevel Policy-Making'. In: Lodge, M. and Wegrich, K. (eds.) Governance Capacities of the Contemporary State (Oxford: Oxford University Press), S. 218-27.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2014) 'Regulating Capacity Building by Stealth: Pattern and Extent of EU Involvement in Public Administration'. In: Genschel, P. and Jachtenfuchs, M. (eds.) Beyond the regulatory polity (Oxford: Oxford University Press), S. 145-65.
Contribution to edited volumes (non peer reviewed) / Sammelbände ohne anonymisiertes Gutachterverfahren
- Börzel, T. and Heidbreder, E.G. (2016, in print) 'Enforcement'. In: Harlow, C., Leino-Sandberg, P. and della Cananea, G. (eds.) Research Handbook on EU Administrative Law (Chaltenham: Edward Elgar).
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2015) 'Governance Capacities in the European Union: Normative Goals and Empirical Success '. In: Capano, G., Howlett, M. and Ramesh, M. (eds.) Re-thinking Governance in Public Policy: Dynamics, Strategy and Capacities (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan).
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2015) 'Horizontal Capacity Pooling: Direct, Decentralised, Joint Policy Execution'. In: Bauer, M. W. and Trondal, J. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of the European Administratve System (Houndmills: Palgrave), S. 369-82.
- Heidbreder, Eva G. mit Auracher, Jelena (2015): „Die Europawahl 2014 als Weichenstellung für die Politisierung der EU: Die Rolle der Spitzenkandidaten im institutionellen Wettstreit“. In: Michael Kaeding, Niko Switek (Hrsg.): Die Europawahl 2014 (Wiesbaden: Springer VS), S. 223-232.
- Dreyer, D., Gödde, A. und Heidbreder, E. G. (2015) 'Einleitung: Ein soziales Europa
ist möglich'. In: von Alemann, U., Heidbreder, E. G., Hummel, H., Dreyer, D. und Gödde, A. (eds.) Ein Soziales Europa ist möglich: Grundlagen und Handlungsoptionen (Wiesbaden: Springer VS), S. 17-22. - von Alemann, U., Heidbreder, E. G., Hummel, H., Dreyer, D. und Gödde, A. (2015) 'Fazit: Optionen für ein soziales Europa'. In: von Alemann, U., Heidbreder, E. G., Hummel, H., Dreyer, D. und Gödde, A. (eds.) Ein Soziales Europa ist möglich: Grundlagen und Handlungsoptionen (Wiesbaden: Springer VS), S. 357-63.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2014) 'Multilevel Elements of EU Migration Policy: A Research Note'. Knowledge for Integration Governance (KING): Desk Research Paper. <> (Letzter Aufruf: 16. Januar 2016).
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2014) 'When Multiple Levels Meet Migration: The specific challenges of a EU Immigration regime'. Knowledge for Integration Governance (KING): Desk Research Paper. <> Letzter Aufruf: 16. Januar 2016).
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2013) 'Why Money Can't Buy Democracy: On the Detachment of the Euro from EU Citizenship'. In: Moro, G. (ed.) The Single Currency and European Citizenship: Unveiling the Other Side of The Coin (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing), S. 123-36.
- von Alemann, U., Dreyer, D., Heidbreder, E. G. und Hummel, H. (2013) 'Erfolge und Stolpersteine auf dem Weg zum sozialen Europa'. In: Stratenschulte, E. D. und Müller, B. (Hrsg.) Der europäische Nachbar: Deutschland und die Niederlande im Diskurs (Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag), S. 33-41.
- Börzel, T. A. and Heidbreder, E. G. (2011) 'Conditionality'. In: Badie, B., Berg-Schlosser, D. and Morlino, L. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Political Science (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE).
- Howlett, M., Rayner, J., Goehler, D., Heidbreder, E., Perron-Welch, F., Rukundo, O., Verkooijen, P. and Wildburger, P. (2010) 'Overcoming the Challenges of to Integration: Embracing Complexity in Forest Policy Design Through Multi-level Governance'. In: Rayner, J., Buck, A. and Katila, P. (eds.) Embracing Complexity: Meeting the Challenges of International Forest Governance (International Union of Forest Research Organizations: World Series Vol. 28), S. 93-110.
- Heidbreder, E. G. (2004) 'Die Kommission und die Kopenhagener Kriterien: Erweiterte Handlungskapazität jenseits des Beitritts'. In: Bauer, P. und Voelzkow, H. (eds.) Die Europäische Union – Marionette oder Regisseur? (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), S. 237-56.
- Einführung in die politikwissenschaftliche Europaforschung (PSTWA) (EGH) (909797) ( Link zur LV im LSF )
- Introduction to the Political System of the European Union (909698) ( Link zur LV im LSF )
- Kolloquium: Abschlussarbeiten in European Studies und Politikwissenschaft (EGH) ( Link zur LV im LSF )