The UK and its Neighbours: views across Europe

The elections in the UK are coming soon and it may be hard to keep the overview. Luckily there are experts and websites that will do this for you. For exmaple UK in a changing Europe gives clear presentations and explanations to the elections in the UK on the 4th July 2024 as well as diskussions on specific changes during this period.

Also in line with the elections is the publication of the book "The UK and its Neighbours: views across Europe".Prof. Eva Heidbreder from the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg also contributed to a chapter on Germany.

Eight years after the UK voted to leave the European Union the Brexit still has an impact on our daily lives. The relationship betwenn the UK and its neighbours is an important topic which the book discusses in terms of four questions:

  • How have UK relations with the EU changed since 2016? 
  • How have the UK’s bilateral relations with its European neighbours evolved since the UK referendum?
  • What is the view from the EU and the UK on the current relationship?
  • What is likely to change after the UK elections?


Buch UK

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