
Since June 2023 Dr. rer. pol. Johannes Gerken has been a research associate (postdoc) at the chair for Multilevel Governance in Europe at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. His research focuses on Critical European Studies, especially in the field of European Economic Governance and the EU’s statehood genesis. Another focus lies in state, statehood, and European integration theories. His dissertation “EU-Staatlichkeit zwischen Ausbau und Stagnation. Kritische Perspektiven auf die Transformationsprozesse in der Euro-Krise“ (EU Statehood between Extension and Stagnation. Critical Perspectives on the Transformational Processes during Euro Crisis) was published open-access in 2021 by transcript. Before joining the European Studies Team at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Johannes Gerken was deputy executive director of the Centre for Teacher Education and previously research associate at Kassel University, where he also had studied Political Science and History.

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