

Future of Europe


"Is the EU a guarantor of the rule of law?" - Contribution to the Online Citizens' Dialogue

"The EU is based on the fundamental belief that [...] in the end we all win through cooperation. In order to guarantee this cooperation, even if individual outcomes do not correspond to one's own wishes, shared law is central. Without compliance with the shared rules, it does not work [...]. Thus, if not only EU law but the rule of law as such is questioned in the member states, the EU is deprived of its foundation. Without the rule of law, there is no European cooperation." - Prof. Dr. Heidbreder

"Goodbye Rule of Law? The EU between aspiration and reality" of the nonpartisan Europa-Union Deutschland e.V., November 12, 2021.

As announced last week, you can now find the ideas and demands articulated during the online citizens' dialogue on the digital platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

A detailed event report is available on the website of our media partner "Treffpunkt Europa"






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Understanding the EU, honorifics, and talking to your teachers


Moving to a different city within a country you are familiar with can still make you feel like you crossed borders. One thing about outsiders is that they bring something with them, new ways to communicate and fresh eyes on what you take for granted.

So, to satisfy my curiosity, I went and spoke to Alba, who is newly teaching the course Introduction to Political Science Research on Europe and beginning her research for her PhD here at OVGU. We start our journey with her first journey - living abroad.

Alba's mom being Spanish, she was curious about the other corner of Europe, which drew her to Lapland - one of the northern provinces of Finland - to study abroad. She liked it so much that she stayed past the first semester, and came back to work and then study for a master's degree. The master's in Finland put together the study of administration, business, and European structures.

Studying, and later at work in the International Office at the University of Lapland, started out with an adventure in intercultural communication. 'Doctor' and 'professor' and other honorifics were a bit unconventional for her teachers and colleagues. Most people won't tell you what to do, you have to figure it out for yourself. What to do? The people around her used first names, frequently thanked each other with concrete examples, and what about small talk? If you're looking for an alternative to this (sometimes odious) custom, chat with Alba and you may start to observe it yourself.

Well, this reception in Finland informed her more recent work in the sociology of work. Basically, this field asks questions about how people relate to each other at work, how the structure of their organization operates, and how change takes place on the institutional level.

We talked a lot about the problems of understanding change in society. It's not an easy subject to grasp even in a class let alone a casual conversation.

Many of these changes are still in progress. For Alba, who follows the news about issues like the abortion law discussion in Ireland and is curious about activists and lawmakers, the EU is a mine to excavate information about how the administration handles issues of gender. She is interested in how networks of people can move changes forward, a kind of impersonal leadership that relies on the group rather than one individual.

Moving to a new place is part of the experience in the program either in coming to Eastern Germany or in studying abroad. Beyond knowledge of European frameworks and theories, teachers also have their personal experience which they pass on if you pay close attention. Normally, you meet them in class once a week, and maybe when they're buying coffee at Dolce & Caffé, take a moment to ask them what they think about something relevant to you and observe what happens - you might be surprised.


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Christmas get-together - UPDATE


Christmas get-together UPDATE Friday, December 3rd, 2021

we are going back to our exclusive digital meeting space in “GATHER TOWN” for our Christmas get-together! Please check your emails and EUS-Komm on elearning for information about how to join.

We will have a quiz, and we invite you to bring along friends. Don't forget snacks and a drink to celebrate with us!

Meeting point: TUESDAY 7 DECEMBER at 17:00 on Gather Town

We are looking forward seeing you all soon!

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Master Project Conference 2021


Die Masterstudenten der Europastudien werden ihr Abschlussprojekt vorstellen.

Das Masterprojekt spiegelt die von unseren Studenten im Masterprogramm erworbenen Fähigkeiten wider und bietet relevante Forschung zu aktuellen Themen für diejenigen, die sich für die Funktionsweise der EU, der europäischen Institutionen und der Koordination auf regionaler, nationaler und supranationaler Ebene interessieren.

Das Thema der diesjährigen Master-Konferenz lautet: Combining climate and social policy - An analysis of the social dimension of the green transition in the NextGenerationEU recovery instrument

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UK in a changing Europe - EU-UK 2030


 "Five years on from the EU referendum, we are still attempting to learn lessons and digest those we have learnt. In this country, the vast majority of attentions has, unsurprisingly, focused on development here - in parliament, in our constitutianal settlement, and in the country as a whole. But how did the EU and its member states approach the Brexit process? What were their priorities for their relationship with it in the years ahead? [...]".

You can read the complete article, "UK in a Changing Europe" here. Besides the many exciting contributions, Prof. Heidbreder's article "Germany" can be found on pages 26-28.


We hope you enjoy reading it!

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