

New edition „Europe from A to Z“ – with contributions from Julia Klein and Dr. Daniel Schade


Europe and the EU are in a constant state of change. The "rules and regulations" of European integration must therefore also be constantly revised and kept up to date.

The new edition of "Europe from A to Z," a pocket guide to European integration, contains current topics that concern people in Europe. And at the same time proves that Europe is not only in Brussels, but also here on the ground in Magdeburg. Two well-known authors and lecturers from the OVGU appear in the book:

Julia Klein writes about Brexit and Euroscepticism (pages 101-106 and 275-278) and  Dr. Daniel Schade on Latin American politics (pages 437-440).


 You can Download the book for free from the library!

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'So long, and thanks for all the fish' - a podcast and update on the Brexit Deal


The speakers in this podcast shed light on the consequences of the Brexit deal: unhappy Britons and new borders that are causing new tensions.


"There is no good solution for Northern Ireland with Brexit." Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder


The contribution of Prof. Dr. Heidbreder, together with Joseph Garcia (Deputy Prime Minister of Gibraltar), Vassili Golod (ARD reporter in London), Paul Gilson (fisherman from the UK) and Nilüfer Yanya (British musician), offer a constellation of perspectives on the Brexit deal.


Listen to the podcase episode "So long, and thanks for all the fish" and read more at's page.

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NoCovid Initiative: Prof. Heidbreder supported the NoCovid Initiative as a supporting consultant


The framework paper "A new proactive goal for Germany to combat SARS-CoV-2" of January 18, 2021 sets out the general principles of the no-COVID strategy. Mrs. Prof. Dr. Heidbreder supported the NoCovid Initiative strategy as an expert on European politics. 

The strategy includes a departure from the containment strategy (“living with the virus”) pursued to date. The authors propose ideas and approaches for a proactive local elimination strategy that pursues the goal of a sustainably low incidence - ideally zero.

The document on the new proactive target for Germany to combat SARS-CoV-2 part two can be downloaded at 

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False calm at British borders - an interview with Prof. Heidbreder


"We need our good neighbors”

...and yet there is an urgent need to catch up in some areas of Brexit!

In an interview with Volksstimme on January 13, 2021, Prof. Heidbreder talked about...

Hamburg-Vigoni Talks - #5 From White Paper to "Conference on the Future of Europe"

17.12.2020 -
In the fifth Hamburg-Vigoni Talk, Prof. Dr. Armin Hatje and Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder follow the debate on the institutional future of Europe.

Since the referendum on Great Britain's exit from the EU, if not longer, the debate about the institutional future of the EU has been smoldering. Armin Hatje and Eva Heidbreder put together the most recent...

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