

New research project: The executive triangle of the European Commission


The EUS team participates in the "CoREx" network, which analyses the executive triangle of executive politicians, top bureaucrats and political advisors in Europe from an innovative and comparative perspective.  As part of Working Group 2, Prof Dr Eva Heidbreder and Dr Johannes Gerken are carrying out research on career patterns in the executive triangle of the European Commission as a central political actor within the EU’s multilevel governance framework. 

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Public Dialogue 2024


Public Dialogue will take place in Wernigerode on 17. April 2024. Between 17:30 and 19:30, politicians and experts will be interviewed about Europe and the upcoming election. Participants include Georg Pfeifer (European Parliament), Artjom Pusch (CDU) and Thomas Rieke (SPD).

This will be followed by a discussion with questions from the audience.


 Bürgerdialog Wernigerode 2024

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Election of Prof. Heidbreder as Co-Speaker IPSA


In September 2023, Prof. Eva Heidbreder (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg) was elected Co-Speaker of Research Committee 30 - Comparative Public Policy at the International Political Science Association (IPSA).

RC30 conducts theoretically-informed comparative studies of policies and policy processes with the explicit aim of testing and refining existing models and frameworks as well as, where possible, developing new additions to the policy studies literature.

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Workshop "National Coordination and the European Union"


A workshop entitled "National Coordination and the European Union" took place at Villa Vigoni between December 4 and 6, 2023. The aim of Villa Vigoni is to promote exchange between Italy and Germany in the fields of science, politics and culture.

Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and Prof. Hussein Kassim from the University of East Anglia coordinated the event.

The event took place within the framework of the Impact Program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which supported it together with Villa Vigoni.


Villa Vigoni Team



Villa Vigoni


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